
Golden Retriever


Our gorgous Cream Golden Retriever is available for STUD.


He is PROVEN. 


He is fully health tested.

DNA Clear by parentage.

BVA Hip Scores 6/7

BVA Elbow Sores 0/0

BVA Eye tested

He is KC registered and has a 5 generation Pedigree certificate. 




If you are interested in booking a session with Henry please contact


Barbara on 07890078560 (text, phone, Messenger or Whatsapp)


or email


If you are bringing your girl to Henry....

You will be offered a visit to meet with Henry to make sure he is the right dog for you. 

If both parties are happy to go ahead then arrangements will be made for two matings.


I am a Licenced Dog Breeder with Lancaster City Council

Licence number 053221

~ We are based in Lancaster UK ~


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© Barbara Lancaster-Williams Doodles and Freelance Artist